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19990824: advice

>From: Anthony Rockwood - MSCD Meteorology <address@hidden>
>Organization: Metro State College
>Keywords: 199908242312.RAA05987 platform support


>I'm at a point at which I'd like to get your advice on how to proceed.  My
>status is that McIDAS never did run and I'm stuck trying to install
>Gempak/GARP.  Kurt has had to move on to other things now that classes
>have begun and is really only available to support the hardware, the
>networking and operating system.  He tried hard to help with the setup of
>the applications, but couldn't make progress either.  There's no point in
>running the LDM, so I shut it off.

What was the problem with McIDAS?  

>As I mulled my options, a few thoughts came to mind:  
>In order to use UNIDATA software, I (and others) need technical support at
>a level sufficient to get applications installed and running.  It hasn't
>proven possible for those of us with a limited computer background to
>learn all that's necessary to carry out the job in a short amount of time.

This is the key.  You were pressed for time trying to get things installed.
Things would probably be different if you did not have the hardware problems
and had to rush the installation.  I know you don't want to spend a lot
of time installing the software, but once you get over the steep learning
curve, the next installation is a breeze.

>UNIDATA training workshops and instructions on the web can only get you so
>far.  There's just too much left that a relative novice can't do. 

I understand.  One problem is that you are installing the software almost
a year after you took the classes.

>I'm wondering if support might be available from independent consultants
>on a fee basis?  I've never heard this discussed before, but with the
>sunset of OS2 and smaller sites surely having the same difficulty, maybe
>this is something who's time has come. From the email lists I read, there
>are obviously a few folks out there who would be qualified, and I think a
>lot of the job can be done remotely?  Has this been discussed ? 

We can help you out with installation and configuration of Unidata
software and we work for free. ;-) I was hoping that by going through
the steps yourself, you'd be able to do future configurations on your
own. But, I understand your time constraints. See below.

>If the support is not available, I'll have to default to data on various
>web sites or to commercially available analysis programs.  This is what
>I'm doing now.  But these options can't compare to programs such as McIDAS
>and GARP for educational purposes, and the ability to collect data via the
>LDM would be lost.  Somehow I doubt this is in the best interest of
>UNIDATA, but maybe the hard reality is that sites without local expertise
>simply can't participate.  Do you think this is the case, now that OS2 is
>gone ? 

One of the statements in the Unidata factsheet is that sites that
want to be Unidata participants "provide their own computers, network
connections, human resources, and other requirements for participation,
including access fees for certain data."  That said, we spend a lot
of support time helping sites that don't have the technical expertise
get up and running.  Many of the OS/2 sites (yourself included) relied 
heavily on the UPC for support of that operating system as well.  Already
you are one up on other sites - you have someone who will support the 
networking and operating system.  I think the onus will lie on you
to support the Unidata packages unfortunately.  However, remember once
the software is installed, there is usually little maintanence required.

One of the goals of the Java development should be to have software
that is easily configured and installed.  That may be easier said
than done, though because unless all the applications can run as
applets (and there are problems with this), then users will have
to have the appropriate Java environments installed on their systems.

One other note about your setup.  As well intentioned as Kurt is, he
strayed from the recommended setup for the users of the UPC software.
Things would be a lot easier if the C Shell was used for the GEMPAK,
McIDAS and LDM users.  Once you stray from our recommendations, support
and maintenance becomes a real problem.  

>I know these are difficult questions and I suspect I'm not the first to
>bring them up.  But if you have any suggestions or advice on what to do,
>I'd appreciate it.

We can get you up and running if you want our help and detail what we
did.  While that is no substitute for you learning to do it yourself,
it will go a long way toward getting useful applications into your

I understand your frustration at this point and as I say we will do
all we can to get you up and running.  Perhaps this should be an
agenda item for the next UserComm meeting.

Don Murray