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[python #SEA-541690]: error when running jupyter notebook scripts


Apologies on the significantly delayed response. 

If you have not already solved this, while you may have installed Python 3.7, 
in your original screenshot of the error, the path to the code running says 
"python3.8", so that means the error was definitely happening on 3.8.

The latest MetPy is now 0.12, so I sense this is no longer an issues.



> Thank you but I had installed Python 3.7
> []
> I am confused.
> Thanks
> Ileana
> On 05/12/2019 02:01, Unidata Python Support wrote:
> Hi,
> This is due to a bug in MetPy that crops up on Python 3.8. Unfortunately, the 
> fix for it was slightly involved:
> This should be out in the next release, which we're working to finish up 
> right now. The easiest work around would be to use Python 3.7 for now.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SEA-541690
Department: Support Python
Priority: Low
Status: Closed
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