• AWIPS Tips: NSF Unidata AWIPS 23.4.1-0.2 Beta CAVE Software Release AWIPS Tips: NSF Unidata AWIPS 23.4.1-0.2 Beta CAVE Software Release
    June 26, 2024
    AWIPS Tips

    Welcome back to AWIPS Tips!

    AWIPS 23.4.1-0.2 is a beta release of CAVE for installation on linux, windows, and virtual machines (Windows and Linux). We are currently working on a CAVE installer for MacOS. This release includes a major upgrade for the operating system, running on Rocky 8 Linux – which is a free Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution.

  • Welcome Summer Intern Ana Castaneda Montoya Welcome Summer Intern Ana Castaneda Montoya
    June 17, 2024
    Ana Castaneda Montoya
    Ana Castaneda Montoya

    Ana Castaneda Montoya joined the NSF Unidata Program Center as a student summer intern on May 20, 2024; she received her Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Texas at Dallas the same week. She will be starting her graduate studies at the University of Michigan in August, where she'll pursue a PhD in Climate Science.

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Software News
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The NSF Unidata Program center makes a wide variety of near-real-time and archive geoscience data and model output available to the university community. See the Data page for an overview of the available data types and access methods.

Mesoscale model output.