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Re: Help

---------------------------- Forwarded with Changes ---------------------------
From: Paul Wessel <wessel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> at NOTE
Date: 8/15/94 7:53AM
To: ssignori at nsf12
Subject: Re: Help

> I am attempting to build GMT on my Linux machine.  A parse error is
> occurring, apparently in ncgen.y, while building the netcdf libraries. 
>  I am attaching two log files to help you understand my problem.  File 
> 'log' was obtained while doing 'make all', while file log_test was
> obtained while doing 'make test'.  I would appreciate some guidance on 
> how to overcome this problem.
> Sergio Signorini
        Any questions regarding netcdf must be addressed to the folks at UCAR,
since they wrote the code and maintain it.
Send questions to netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


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