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19990219: topo maps...


The message is probably a complaint that I didn't include
LUTFIL in the gpfront.pdf and gpfront.parm files in the
distribution (so you don't see the variable listed in the
display when you run gpfront). 

You might be able to prevent the ugly message by including
LUT=default in the commands used by gpfront.
The default table should be what you want in this case.

I'll do some tests and post updates to the parameter files
(which simply get copied into $GEMPAKHOME/pdf and parm)
hopefully on Monday.


>From: Maureen Ballard <address@hidden>
>Organization: UK Ag Weather Center
>Keywords: 199902192106.OAA18757

>Once again I need to bug you about something. As I mentioned, I got ntl
>to launch so we'll have to see if that helps matters at all. Any way,
>now I am trying to run script to produce a surface map with the fronts
>on it with the topo background. Everything appears to run fine until I
>try to add the fronts. Then I get the following error:
> [IM -8]  Could not open LUT file
>The image was produced but I am wondering about the error. I am
>enclosing a copy of the script in case that helps you any.
>Thanks for any help.
>cd /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM
>source ~gempak/.cshrc
>source ~gempak/GEMsetup
>if ( $#argv == 0 ) then
>  set mm = `date -u "+%m"`
>  set dd = `date -u "+%d"`
>  set yy = `date -u "+%y"`
>  set ddatel = `date "+%y%m%d"`
>  set dhour = `date -u "+%H"`
>  set dhour_EST = `date "+%H"`
>  set offset = `expr $dhour - $dhour_EST`
>  if ( $offset < 0 ) then
>     set offset = `expr $offset + 24`
>  endif
>  set ddate2 = `date "+%D"`
>  set GMTlsthr = `expr $dhour - 1`
>  if ($GMTlsthr < 0) then
>     set GMTlsthr = `expr $GMTlsthr + 24`
>  endif
>  if ( $GMTlsthr == 3 && $dd == 01 ) then
>     echo GMT $GMTlsthr
>     echo DAY $dd
>     if ( $mm == 02 || $mm == 04 || $mm == 06 || $mm == 08 || $mm == 09
>|| $mm =
>= 11 ) then
>        set ldd = 31
>        set lmm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set lyy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 05 || $mm == 07 || $mm == 10 || $mm == 12 ) then
>        set ldd = 30
>        set lmm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set lyy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 03 ) then
>        set ldd = 28
>        set lmm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set lyy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 01 ) then
>        set ldd = 31
>        set lmm = 12
>        set lyy = `expr $yy - 1`
>     endif
>  else if ( $GMTlsthr == 3 ) then
>     set ldd = `expr $dd - 1`
>     set lmm = `expr $mm`
>     set lyy = `expr $yy`
>     set ddatel = ${lyy}${lmm}${ldd}
>     set ddate2 = ${lmm}/${ldd}/${lyy}
>  else if ( $GMTlsthr == 23 && $dd == 01 ) then
>     echo GMT $GMTlsthr
>     echo DAY $dd
>     if ( $mm == 02 || $mm == 04 ||  $mm == 06 || $mm == 08 || $mm == 09
>|| $mm
>== 11 ) then
>        set dd = 31
>        set mm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set yy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 05 || $mm == 07 || $mm == 10 || $mm == 12 ) then
>        set dd = 30
>        set mm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set yy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 03 ) then
>        set dd = 28
>        set mm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set yy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 01 ) then
>        set dd = 31
>        set mm = 12
>        set yy = `expr $yy - 1`
>     endif
>  else if ( $GMTlsthr == 23 ) then
>        set dd = `expr $dd - 1`
>        set mm = `expr $mm`
>        set yy = `expr $yy`
>  endif
>  set ddate = ${yy}${mm}${dd}
>  set ESTlsthr = `expr $GMTlsthr - $offset`
>  if ($ESTlsthr < 0) then
>     set ESTlsthr = `expr $ESTlsthr + 24`
>  endif
>else if ( $#argv == 4 ) then
>  set mm = $argv[1]
>  set dd = $argv[2]
>  set yy = $argv[3]
>  set dhour = $argv[4]
>  set now = `date -u "+%H"`
>  set dhour_EST = `date "+%H"`
>  set offset = `expr $now - $dhour_EST`
>  if ( $offset < 0 ) then
>     set offset = `expr $offset + 24`
>  endif
>  set GMTlsthr = `expr $dhour`
>  if ($GMTlsthr < 0) then
>     set GMTlsthr = `expr $GMTlsthr + 24`
>  endif
>  if ( $GMTlsthr == 3 && $dd == 01 ) then
>     echo GMT $GMTlsthr
>     echo DAY $dd
>     if ( $mm == 02 || $mm == 04 || $mm == 06 || $mm == 08 || $mm == 09
>|| $mm =
>= 11 ) then
>        set ldd = 31
>        set lmm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set lyy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 05 || $mm == 07 || $mm == 10 || $mm == 12 ) then
>        set ldd = 30
>        set lmm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set lyy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 03 ) then
>        set ldd = 28
>        set lmm = `expr $mm - 1`
>        set lyy = `expr $yy`
>     endif
>     if ( $mm == 01 ) then
>        set ldd = 31
>        set lmm = 12
>        set lyy = `expr $yy - 1`
>     endif
>  else if ( $GMTlsthr == 3 ) then
>     set ldd = `expr $dd - 1`
>     set lmm = `expr $mm`
>     set lyy = `expr $yy`
>     set ddatel = ${lyy}${lmm}${ldd}
>     set ddate2 = ${lmm}/${ldd}/${lyy}
>  else
>     set ldd = $dd
>     set lmm = $mm
>     set lyy = $yy
>     set ddatel = ${lyy}${lmm}${ldd}
>     set ddate2 = ${lmm}/${ldd}/${lyy}
>  endif
>  set ddate = ${yy}${mm}${dd}
>  set ESTlsthr = `expr $GMTlsthr - $offset`
>  if ($ESTlsthr < 0) then
>     set ESTlsthr = `expr $ESTlsthr + 24`
>  endif
>  echo ""
>  echo USAGE:  sfc_nafront.csh _mm dd yy_ _time_ in GMT format
>  echo ""
>  exit
>  if ( $offset == "4" ) then
>     set TimeZone = "EDT"
>  else if ( $offset == "5" ) then
>     set TimeZone = "EST"
>  else
>     set TimeZone = "GMT-${offset}"
>  endif
>set ldmdata = "/ldmdata"
>set fname  = "${ddatel}_${ESTlsthr}_frt"
>set output = "${fname}.gif"
>set device_name = "gfw|${output}|792;612"
>set dstring = "${ddate2} ${ESTlsthr}:00 ${TimeZone}"
>rm -f *.nts ${output}
>sfmap << EOF01
>  \$RESPOND = no
>  \$MAPFIL  = hipowo.cia
>  DATTIM    = ${ddate}/${GMTlsthr}00
>  SFFILE    = ${ldmdata}/gempak/surface/${ddate}_sao.gem
>  SATFIL  = $NAWIPS/unidata/areas/topo_nh.area
>  RADFIL  = 0
>  LUTFIL  = $GEMTBL/luts/upc_topo.tbl
>  BORDER    = 0
>  LATLON    = 0
>  MARKER    = 0
>  PANEL     = 0/0
>  TEXT      = 1/21//hw
>  CLEAR     = YES
>  SKPMIS    = YES
>  DEVICE    = ${device_name}
>  AREA      = "garea"
>  GAREA     = "25;-119;47;-60"
>  PROJ      = "sat"
>  MAP       = 23
>  COLORS    = "26;29;32"
>  SFPARM    = skyc:.75;;;;;wsym;;;;brbk:.75
>  TITLE     = 32/-4/${dstring} - UK Ag. Weather Center
>  FILTER    = .9
>  RUN
>gdcntr << EOF02
>  \$RESPOND = no
>  \$MAPFIL  = hipowo.cia
>  CINT      = 10/-44
>  CLEAR     = NO
>  CLRBAR    =
>  CONTUR    =
>  CTYPE     = C
>  DEVICE    = ${device_name}
>  FINT      = 10/70/90
>  FLINE     = 101;21-23
>  GDATTIM   = all
>  GDFILE    = ${ldmdata}/gempak/grids/${ddate}_surf.gem
>  GFUNC     = tmpf
>  GLEVEL    = 0
>  GVCORD    = none
>  HILO      = 0
>  HLSYM     = 0
>  LINE      = 14/4//2
>  MAP       = 23
>  PANEL     = 0
>  SCALE     = 0
>  SKIP      = /1
>  TITLE     = 32/-3/TEMPERATURE (F)
>  RUN
>gdcntr << EOF02a
>  CINT      = /32/32
>  CLRBAR    = 0
>  GFUNC     = tmpf
>  HILO      = 0
>  HLSYM     = 0
>  LINE      = 29/1/2/1
>  TITLE     = 0
>  RUN
>gdcntr << EOF03
>  CINT      = 4/1
>  CLRBAR    = 32/H/LL//.33;.02
>  GFUNC     = pmsl
>  HILO      = 0
>  HLSYM     = 0
>  LINE      = 32/1/2/1
>  RUN
>set FILE=`ls -t ${ldmdata}/surface/front/${ddate}*_frt.wmo | head -1`
>gpfront << EOF04
>  CLEAR    = NO
>  PROJ     = sat
>  GAREA    = 25;-119;47;-60
>  LATLON   = 0
>  PANEL    = 0
>  DEVICE   = ${device_name}
>  TITLE    = 32/-2
>  ASFIL    = ${FILE}
>  ASHR     = 0
>  ASATT    = 1/Y
>  RUN
>echo " "
>echo " "
>mv /export/home/gempak/scripts/${output}
>Maureen Moore Ballard                   address@hidden
>Staff Meteorologist                           ph:  606-257-3000ext244
>Ag. Weather Center                         fax: 606-257-5671
>243 Ag. Engineering Bldg
>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.
>University of Kentucky
>Lexington, KY 40546-0276
>You don't stop laughing because you grow old;
>you grow old because you stop laughing.